Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mathematical Genius

Numbers, some of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the human life. Something so simple that is able to be manipulated into formulas that could actually help improve the way of living in our ever changing modern society.
This piece of paper is worthless if not for the value or codes printed on it, my guess if it were to be recycled I don't think it'll worth even more than RM0.20!!
This really got me into thinking the other day while I was taking my shower, when I was thinking about appointments being made for the next day. Than it struck me, what would I do if there were no calender in this world? Could you even imagine what will it be like without it?! Just try telling me when is Christmas without the creation of the calender.. * bless the person who invented it *

This dude, Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes a.k.a Tony Fernandes * caught you giving that confused facial expression * has certainly got his brain working out a formula that is able to offer super affordable rates for everyone to enjoy the luxury of flying.. Planes painted with striking red vinyls, with it's tagline of " Now Everyone Can Fly ". Now it got me thinking what is the secret to it? So how did he manage to offer people such low flying rates? .... Errrghh! I give up, if I managed to figure it out I won't be sitting here bloggin' right? So Tony Fernandes, I salute you!
Probably this is what's gonna happen that's why it's so darn cheap.. haha~! But still, just a video that I found funny and wanted to post it up here along with this post. Happy holidays people.

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