Sunday, November 13, 2011

Once In A 100 Years

Just the other day got stuck in a jam.. and Band Perry was playing on the radio,
             "If I die young, ... "
It got me thinking, why would anyone even anticipate to die young? Now wouldn't that contradict the quote of "Live Life Everyday Like It Was Your Last"To add things, the song's verse continued with  
                                          "The sharp knife, of a short life…"
Well since it's a sharp knife, why not find ways to make it blunt? I guess what the message was that time is catching up with us, time is money. Not wasting time away means you get richer by the minute, be it in monetary form or even company of your loved ones.

The date where the whole world was looking forward to, NO I'm not talking about the BORING release of Immortals. On this auspicious date, people are told to make a wish at exactly 1111hrs, as it could come true *as if I were still a kid to believe that crap* But this is my main highlight of this post..
Fun Fact :
  • How many of you actually wished for world peace?
  • How many of you actually wished for someone else's well being ?
  • And, how many wishes did you make for your personal wants? *ie : designer bags
Humans are so blinded with material these days that it's crazy, we tend to care less about others. There's a reason why we can multiply, so that we could help each other when in times of need. Just the other day @ Curve, a beggar was asking for food from this well doing lady (Gucci bag, Burberry heels, etc you get the pic) and she refused to donate even few dollars to him. Hello?!! Your so "rich" sipping Starbucks, but can't even contribute few dollars that could be his lunch & dinner add up? This is what I call,
          Nice to see, 好看
                   But taste like horse shit好吃
I totally despise people who falls in this category, and I seriously think you should look in the mirror. Reflect, ask yourself "What am I without all these materials?" Keyword : Humility~
Caught this movie the other day with my bee, In Time. It's a really nice movie in my opinion, I'd recommend any of my friends to go watch it. Just imagine a life where everything is charged using time, banks who stores your minutes, bus rides which cost hours, cars which cost years! People will rob you for time, not money. Pretty cool isn't it. But it sure ain't cool when your clock has few seconds left to run.. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post :) enjoyed reading it! I share the same sentiments haha
